Rose Cup 2014

Well done to all RGC Worcester gymnasts who travelled to Wellingborough on Saturday 27th June, to compete in the Rose Cup. It was great to see how they have all progressed since their last competition.
Level 1 U8 Eva Yordanov 4th with her free routine
Level 2 Junior ribbon Megan Lumsden 2nd, Marie Barber 4th
Level 3 U12 Jess Dodd 1st with ball and 1st with Hoop
L3 U8 hoop duet Olivia and Julia 1st
L3 U8 Julia Niesiel 1st (highest score of the day) and Olivia McNelis 4th with their free routines
Level 3 Junior with ball Rebecca King 1st place. Rebecca also received the award for the gymnast with the most potential! Superstar!
Well done girls!!!

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